Resident Satisfaction Survey

Hello Raymore Residents,

Your feedback is very important to us. Please take a moment to let us know how we are doing.

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Address (optional)

Rate your overall experience with Constable Sanitation
1 - Very Poor2345 - Very Good

Rate your ability to find information regarding pickup day and schedule
1 - Very Poor2345 - Very Good

Rate your ability to communicate with Constable Sanitation through the dedicated Raymore support line and/or City of Raymore staff
1 - Very Poor2345 - Very Good

Rate the cleanliness of your area after pickup is complete
1 - Very Poor2345 - Very Good

Rate the overall appearance of collection vehicles
1 - Very Poor2345 - Very Good

Rate your experience with the recycling program that Constable Sanitation offers
1 - Very Poor2345 - Very Good

Rate the ability to access information regarding recycling service
1 - Very Poor2345 - Very Good

Would you like more information regarding your pickup day and/or holiday schedule?

Would you like more information regarding the recycling program?

Let us know if you have any additional comments below